Beta testers

Conversational Marketing Blip: vacancies available for Beta Testers

Conversational Marketing Blip: vacancies available for Beta Testers
Reputação 7


Registration for the Beta tester program for Blip's Conversational Marketing solutions is now open.

Solution description

Blip customers can participate in the beta tester program, try out a product before its official launch, and generate a success story.

Vacancies are available for the following features:

Ads Buying (Ad creator)

Ad planning, buying, and intelligence all in one place.


🎯 Buy and create click-to-WhatsApp ads quickly, simplify the creation of flows, and optimize your creatives with the insights provided.

Smart Audiences

Data Intelligence and AI to provide a 1:1 experience scalable to 1:many.


AI-enhanced profiling for a detailed understanding of each customer, creating precise and scalable segmentations.

Zoom Insights - Listening by Blip

Data Intelligence + GPT Synthesis = Valuable Insights.


💹 We turn complex searches into instant insights. With actionable information in real-time, your team has more time to devote to assertive marketing strategies.

Marketing Co-Pilot

Creation of active message templates to send according to customer profiles and interests.


📢 Message templates suggested by AI, are based on in-depth customer knowledge, boosting user interactions and increasing the effectiveness of communications through personalized and engaging experiences!

Who can take part?

Beta is available to all Blip customers.

Registration form

Are you interested in testing Blip's Conversational Marketing solutions? Please register on this form.


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