Community guidelines

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In this article, we have separated some tips for you to enjoy the best experience on Blip Community. But first, let's remember who we are and the purpose of our community. 


We are a community designed by experts. A collaborative learning space, created to support your journey of evolution in the conversational market and artificial intelligence.

Our purpose is to promote smart connections, contribute to the development of new talent in the market, and turn potential into results.


To ensure that it runs smoothly and is a valuable place for you, we have some basic rules that must be respected by all members of the community, our Blip Members.

💙 Kindness and Respect

Communicate with Blip Members in a friendly and polite manner. All opinions are welcome, but insults, hate speech, intolerance, name-calling, and personal harassment have no place here.

:face_with_monocle: Organization

You'll notice that our space for topics and questions is organized into categories. This makes the segmentation process easier and the environment friendlier, right? Therefore, we are counting on you to follow this and other best practice recommendations described here.

:dart:​​​​​​ ​Collaboration

Our community was created to be a collaborative space, so please keep the discussion constructive and on topic. If a question arises that is different from the main one, remember to create a new topic. Also, be careful with third-party personal information or information that violates contracts.

:sunglasses: ​​​​​​ ​Make yourself at home, be you!

To build relevant connections, use your real name on your account and never intentionally try to mislead other Blip Members. Remember to report situations with integrity and transparency.

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