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Now when sending active messages, the utility category includes messages for feedback surveys, managing opt-ins requested by the user or continuing a conversation started by the user on another channel.

What has changed?

Three new message templates have been added: 

Manage opt-in on WhatsApp: confirm the option of whether or not to receive messages on WhatsApp.

Feedback Surveys: collect feedback on previous transactions or ongoing relationships with clients.

Continue a WhatsApp conversation: send a message to start an interaction on WhatsApp that was started on another channel.

Como era antes

Before, the utility category was able to send active messages about alerts and account and order management updates.

How will this be done now?

Now, you will have three new message templates to interact with your customers: manage opt-in on WhatsApp, feedback surveys and continue a conversation on WhatsApp.

  • The changes will be reflected in the model approval processes for all new models.
  • Meta will perform the category change for approved templates previously categorized as marketing that meet the new utility guidelines.
  • Companies will be notified of any category updates for marketing models.


Read the full documentation about sending Active Messages on WhatsApp.

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