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Now, you can measure your customer satisfaction in a practical, fast, and native way on the Blip platform. Additionally, you'll have access to a dashboard to monitor customer satisfaction rates, evolution over time, and also a comparative view.

How It Works

For those who have already upgraded the service module to version 3.0, the setup will be much simpler than assembling a two-piece puzzle! With just two clicks, you'll be able to incorporate a satisfaction survey into your service flow.

Satisfaction Surveys in the Smart Contact Flow

To incorporate a satisfaction survey into your service flow, you need to add the block grouping that will conduct the survey capture to the output condition of your flow.

This block grouping will be inserted into the flow simply. Just follow the step-by-step instructions, and the block will automatically be associated with the output condition defined in the flow.

After that, the survey is already configured and will be triggered following the flow settings, and the data will start being captured and will be available the next day, on the dashboard for analysis.

Satisfaction Survey Analysis

The report will appear automatically once the satisfaction survey is configured.

With this dashboard, you'll be able to:

  • Measure customer satisfaction in a more practical, fast, and native way.
  • Have a complete view of customer satisfaction, the evolution of satisfaction over time, and a comparative view.
  • Apply analysis filters by queue, by date, by attendant, and by client.
  • Monitor satisfaction without needing to cross-reference data.
  • Listen to what your customer has to tell you through open comments.
  • Dive deep into opportunities to transform the customer experience with your brand.

Metrics available in the Satisfaction Analysis module

Satisfaction Metrics

Satisfaction metrics are key indicators that offer a comprehensive view of customer satisfaction levels.

Available indicators:

  • Overall satisfaction average: represents the average of the scores of the received responses. This metric provides a summary view of customer satisfaction degree according to the selected filters. By default, scores range from 1 to 5.
  • Total closed tickets: this metric presents the quantity of lost, abandoned, and completed tickets.
  • Total responses: corresponds to the total responses obtained through the satisfaction survey. It can be partial (when the client sends only the score, without comments) or complete (when the client sends both the score and the comment).
  • Response rate: this metric relates the previous two (total closed tickets and total responses), bringing the percentage of response rate.

Overall Satisfaction

The overall satisfaction metric is a visual representation that offers a view of the relationship between the captured responses, categorized into dissatisfied, neutral, satisfied, and unanswered.

The pie chart is used to illustrate this distribution, allowing for a quick and clear visual analysis of the overall evaluation of customers regarding the services provided.

More Relevant for

  • Service managers.

Plans and Pricing

Free for all Blip users.


Check out the complete documentation of this functionality by accessing Blip Help.


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